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Extra DSP functions

jaehne function

template <typename T = fbase>
auto jaehne(identity<T> magn, size_t size)

Returns expression template that generates a jaehne vector Generates the sine with linearly increasing frequency from 0hz to nyquist frequency.

mixdown function

template <typename... E>
expression_function<fn::add, E...> mixdown(E &&...e)

Returns template expression that returns the sum of all the inputs

mixdown_stereo function

template <typename Left, typename Right,
          typename Result = expression_function<
              stereo_matrix, expression_pack<Left, Right>>>
Result mixdown_stereo(Left &&left, Right &&right,
                      const f64x2x2 &matrix)

Returns template expression that returns the vector of length 2 containing mix of the left and right channels

swept function

template <typename T = fbase>
auto swept(identity<T> magn, size_t size)

Returns expression template that generates a jaehne vector Generates the sine with logarithmically increasing frequency from 0hz to nyquist frequency.

unitimpulse function

template <typename T = int> auto unitimpulse()

Returns expression template that generates a unit impulse

Auto-generated from sources, Revision 6aea976a464de59d522d0c629e64bf0c044e6777,