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tensor class

template <typename T, index_t NDims> tensor

tensor holds or references multidimensional data and provides a way to access individual elements and perform complex operations on the data.

The number of elements in each axis of the array is defined by its shape. @tparam T element type @tparam NDims number of dimensions

Source code
template <typename T, index_t NDims>
struct tensor : public tensor_subscript<T, tensor<T, NDims>, std::make_integer_sequence<index_t, NDims>>
    using value_type      = T;
    using pointer         = T* CMT_RESTRICT;
    using const_pointer   = const T* CMT_RESTRICT;
    using reference       = T&;
    using const_reference = const T&;
    using size_type       = index_t;

    constexpr static inline index_t dims = NDims;

    using shape_type = kfr::shape<dims>;

    /// @brief Tensor iterator. Iterates through flattened array
    struct tensor_iterator
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
        using value_type        = T;
        using pointer           = T*;
        using reference         = T&;

        const tensor* src;
        shape_type indices;

        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC intptr_t flat_index() const { return src->calc_index(indices); }

        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool is_end() const { return indices.front() == internal_generic::null_index; }

        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC T& operator*() { return src->m_data[flat_index()]; }
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC T* operator->() { return &operator*(); }

        // prefix
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor_iterator& operator++()
            if (!internal_generic::increment_indices(indices, shape_type(0), src->m_shape))
                indices = shape_type(internal_generic::null_index);
            return *this;

        // postfix
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor_iterator operator++(int)
            tensor_iterator temp = *this;
            return temp;

        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool operator==(const tensor_iterator& it) const
            return src == it.src && indices == it.indices;
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool operator!=(const tensor_iterator& it) const { return !operator==(it); }

    using iterator       = tensor_iterator;
    using const_iterator = tensor_iterator;

    using contiguous_iterator       = pointer;
    using const_contiguous_iterator = pointer;

    /// @brief Default constructor. Creates tensor with null shape
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC constexpr tensor()
        : m_data(0), m_size(0), m_is_contiguous(false), m_shape{}, m_strides{}

    /// @brief Construct from external pointer, shape, strides and finalizer
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor(T* data, const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides,
                             memory_finalizer finalizer)
        : m_data(data), m_size(size_of_shape(shape)),
          m_is_contiguous(strides == internal_generic::strides_for_shape(shape)), m_shape(shape),
          m_strides(strides), m_finalizer(std::move(finalizer))

    /// @brief Construct from external pointer, shape and finalizer with default strides
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor(T* data, const shape_type& shape, memory_finalizer finalizer)
        : m_data(data), m_size(size_of_shape(shape)), m_is_contiguous(true), m_shape(shape),
          m_strides(internal_generic::strides_for_shape(shape)), m_finalizer(std::move(finalizer))

    KFR_INTRINSIC static T* allocate(size_t size) { return aligned_allocate<T>(size, 64); }

    KFR_INTRINSIC static void deallocate(T* ptr) { aligned_deallocate(ptr); }

    /// @brief Construct from shape and allocate memory
    KFR_INTRINSIC explicit tensor(const shape_type& shape)
        : m_size(size_of_shape(shape)), m_is_contiguous(true), m_shape(shape),
        T* ptr      = allocate(m_size);
        m_data      = ptr;
        m_finalizer = make_memory_finalizer([ptr]() { deallocate(ptr); });

    /// @brief Construct from shape, strides and allocate memory
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides)
        : m_size(size_of_shape(shape)),
          m_is_contiguous(strides == internal_generic::strides_for_shape(shape)), m_shape(shape),
        T* ptr      = allocate(m_size);
        m_data      = ptr;
        m_finalizer = make_memory_finalizer([ptr]() { deallocate(ptr); });

    /// @brief Construct from shape, allocate memory and fill with value
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, T value) : tensor(shape)
        std::fill(contiguous_begin_unsafe(), contiguous_end_unsafe(), value);

    /// @brief Construct from shape, strides, allocate memory and fill with value
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides, T value) : tensor(shape, strides)
        std::fill(begin(), end(), value);

    /// @brief Construct from shape, allocate memory and fill with flat list
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, const std::initializer_list<T>& values) : tensor(shape)
        if (values.size() != m_size)
            KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("Invalid initializer provided for kfr::tensor");
        std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), contiguous_begin_unsafe());

    /// @brief Initialize with braced list. Defined for 1D tensor only
    template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 1)>
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const std::initializer_list<U>& values) : tensor(shape_type(values.size()))
        internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

    /// @brief Initialize with braced list. Defined for 2D tensor only
    template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 2)>
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>& values)
        : tensor(shape_type(values.size(), values.begin()->size()))
        internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

    /// @brief Initialize with braced list. Defined for 3D tensor only
    template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 3)>
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>>& values)
        : tensor(shape_type(values.size(), values.begin()->size(), values.begin()->begin()->size()))
        internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

    /// @brief Initialize with braced list. Defined for 4D tensor only
    template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 4)>
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(
        const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>>>&
        : tensor(shape_type(values.size(), values.begin()->size(), values.begin()->begin()->size(),
        internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides, std::initializer_list<T> values)
        : tensor(shape, strides)
        if (values.size() != m_size)
            KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("Invalid initializer provided for kfr::tensor");
        std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), begin());

    template <typename Input, KFR_ACCEPT_EXPRESSIONS(Input)>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor(Input&& input) : tensor(get_shape(input))
        static_assert(expression_traits<Input>::dims == dims);
        process(*this, input);

    KFR_INTRINSIC pointer data() const { return m_data; }

    KFR_INTRINSIC size_type size() const { return m_size; }

    KFR_INTRINSIC bool empty() const { return m_size == 0; }

    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor_iterator begin() const
        if (empty())
            return tensor_iterator{ this, shape_type(internal_generic::null_index) };
            return tensor_iterator{ this, shape_type(0) };
    KFR_INTRINSIC tensor_iterator end() const
        return tensor_iterator{ this, shape_type(internal_generic::null_index) };

    KFR_INTRINSIC void require_contiguous() const
        if (!m_is_contiguous)
            KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("Contiguous array is required");

    KFR_INTRINSIC contiguous_iterator contiguous_begin() const
        return m_data;
    KFR_INTRINSIC contiguous_iterator contiguous_end() const
        return m_data + m_size;

    KFR_INTRINSIC contiguous_iterator contiguous_begin_unsafe() const { return m_data; }
    KFR_INTRINSIC contiguous_iterator contiguous_end_unsafe() const { return m_data + m_size; }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC intptr_t calc_index(const shape_type& indices) const
        return static_cast<intptr_t>(static_cast<signed_index_t>(;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC reference access(const shape_type& indices) const
        return m_data[calc_index(indices)];

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC reference operator[](index_t flat_index) const { return m_data[flat_index]; }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor operator()(const shape_type& start, const shape_type& stop) const
        return tensor{
            m_data + calc_index(start),
            stop - start,

    tensor(const tensor& other)
        : m_data(other.m_data), m_size(other.m_size), m_is_contiguous(other.m_is_contiguous),
          m_shape(other.m_shape), m_strides(other.m_strides), m_finalizer(other.m_finalizer)
    tensor(tensor&& other)
        : m_data(other.m_data), m_size(other.m_size), m_is_contiguous(other.m_is_contiguous),
          m_shape(other.m_shape), m_strides(other.m_strides), m_finalizer(std::move(other.m_finalizer))
    tensor(tensor& other) : tensor(const_cast<const tensor&>(other)) {}
    tensor(const tensor&& other) : tensor(static_cast<const tensor&>(other)) {}
    tensor(const tensor&) = default;
    tensor(tensor&&) = default;
    tensor(tensor& other) : tensor(const_cast<const tensor&>(other)) {}
    tensor(const tensor&& other) : tensor(static_cast<const tensor&>(other)) {}

#if defined(CMT_COMPILER_IS_MSVC) || true
    tensor& operator=(const tensor& src) &
        new (this) tensor(src);
        return *this;
    tensor& operator=(tensor&& src) &
        new (this) tensor(std::move(src));
        return *this;
    tensor& operator=(const tensor& src) & = default;
    tensor& operator=(tensor&& src) & = default;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC const tensor& operator=(const tensor& src) const&
        return *this;
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor& operator=(const tensor& src) &&
        return *this;
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC const tensor& operator=(const T& scalar) const&
        return *this;
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor& operator=(const T& scalar) &&
        return *this;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC void assign(const tensor& src) const
        if (src.shape() != m_shape)
            KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("Tensors must have same shape");
        std::copy(src.begin(), src.end(), begin());
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC void assign(const T& scalar) const { std::fill(begin(), end(), scalar); }

    template <typename... Index>
    static constexpr bool has_tensor_range = (std::is_same_v<Index, tensor_range> || ...);

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC static void get_range(index_t& start, index_t& shape, index_t& step,
                                            signed_index_t tsize, index_t iidx)
        signed_index_t tstart = iidx;
        tstart                = tstart < 0 ? tsize + tstart : tstart;
        start                 = tstart;
        shape                 = tstart < tsize ? 1 : 0;
        step                  = 1;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC static void get_range(index_t& start, index_t& shape, index_t& step,
                                            signed_index_t tsize, const tensor_range& iidx)
        signed_index_t tstep = iidx.step.value_or(1);
        signed_index_t tstart;
        signed_index_t tstop;
        if (tstep >= 0)
            tstart = iidx.start.value_or(0);
            tstop  = iidx.stop.value_or(tsize);
            tstart = iidx.start ? *iidx.start + 1 : tsize;
            tstop  = iidx.stop ? *iidx.stop + 1 : 0;
        tstart = tstart < 0 ? tsize + tstart : tstart;
        tstart = std::max(std::min(tstart, tsize), signed_index_t(0));
        if (tstep == 0)
            start = tstart;
            shape = tstop - tstart;
            step  = 0;
            tstop = tstop < 0 ? tsize + tstop : tstop;
            tstop = std::max(std::min(tstop, tsize), signed_index_t(0));
            if (tstep >= 0)
                tstop = std::max(tstop, tstart);
                start = tstart;
                shape = (tstop - tstart + tstep - 1) / tstep;
                step  = tstep;
                tstart = std::max(tstart, tstop);
                shape  = (tstart - tstop + -tstep - 1) / -tstep;
                start  = tstart - 1;
                step   = tstep;

    template <index_t... Num, typename... Index>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC void get_ranges(shape_type& start, shape_type& shape, shape_type& step,
                                      cvals_t<index_t, Num...> indices, const std::tuple<Index...>& idx) const
                 [&](auto i_) CMT_INLINE_LAMBDA
                     constexpr index_t i  = val_of(decltype(i_)());
                     signed_index_t tsize = static_cast<signed_index_t>(m_shape[i]);
                     if constexpr (i < sizeof...(Index))
                         get_range(start[i], shape[i], step[i], tsize, std::get<i>(idx));
                         start[i] = 0;
                         shape[i] = tsize;
                         step[i]  = 1;

    template <typename... Index,
              size_t ndimOut = internal_generic::count_dimensions<Index...>() + (dims - sizeof...(Index)),
              std::enable_if_t<has_tensor_range<Index...> || (sizeof...(Index) < dims)>* = nullptr>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<T, ndimOut> operator()(const Index&... idx) const
        shape_type start;
        shape_type shape;
        shape_type step;
        get_ranges(start, shape, step, cvalseq<index_t, dims>, std::make_tuple(idx...));
        shape_type strides = *step * *m_strides;
        // shape_type absstep = abs(*step);

        T* data = m_data + calc_index(start);
        // shape_type shape = ((*stop - *start) + (*absstep - 1)) / *absstep;

        return tensor<T, ndimOut>{
            internal_generic::compact_shape<dims, ndimOut, std::is_same_v<Index, tensor_range>...>(shape),
            internal_generic::compact_shape<dims, ndimOut, std::is_same_v<Index, tensor_range>...>(strides),

    using tensor_subscript<T, tensor<T, NDims>, std::make_integer_sequence<index_t, NDims>>::operator();

    template <index_t dims>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<T, dims> reshape_may_copy(const kfr::shape<dims>& new_shape,
                                                       bool allow_copy = false) const
        if (size_of_shape(new_shape) != m_size)
            KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("Invalid shape provided");
            TODO: reshape must be possible with non-contiguous arrays:
            [256, 256, 1] -> [256, 256]
            [256, 256] -> [256, 256, 1]
            [256, 256] -> [256, 1, 256]
        if (!is_contiguous())
            if (allow_copy)
                tensor<T, dims> result(new_shape);
                std::copy(begin(), end(), result.contiguous_begin());
                return result;
                KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("reshape requires contiguous array");
        return tensor<T, dims>{

    template <index_t dims>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<T, dims> reshape(const kfr::shape<dims>& new_shape) const
        return reshape_may_copy(new_shape, false);

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<T, 1> flatten() const { return reshape(kfr::shape<1>{ m_size }); }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<T, 1> flatten_may_copy(bool allow_copy = false) const
        return reshape_may_copy(kfr::shape<1>{ m_size }, allow_copy);

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor copy() const
        tensor result(m_shape);
        std::copy(begin(), end(), result.contiguous_begin());
        return result;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC void copy_from(const tensor& other) { std::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), begin()); }

    template <typename Fn>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC void iterate(Fn&& fn) const
        auto it = begin();
        while (it != end())
            fn(*it, it.indices);

    template <typename Fn, typename Tout = std::invoke_result_t<Fn, T>>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<Tout, dims> map(Fn&& fn) const
        return unary(std::forward<Fn>(fn));

    template <typename Fn, typename Tout = std::invoke_result_t<Fn, T>>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<Tout, dims> unary(Fn&& fn) const
        tensor<Tout, dims> result(m_shape);
        auto dst = result.contiguous_begin_unsafe();
        if (is_contiguous())
            auto src = contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            while (src != contiguous_end_unsafe())
                *dst = fn(*src);
            auto src = begin();
            while (src != end())
                *dst = fn(*src);
        return result;

    template <typename Fn>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC const tensor& unary_inplace(Fn&& fn) const
        if (is_contiguous())
            auto it = contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            while (it != contiguous_end_unsafe())
                *it = fn(*it);
            auto it = begin();
            while (it != end())
                *it = fn(*it);
        return *this;

    template <typename Fn>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC T reduce(Fn&& fn, T initial = T{}) const
        T result = initial;
        if (is_contiguous())
            auto src = contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            while (src != contiguous_end_unsafe())
                result = fn(*src, result);
            auto src = begin();
            while (src != end())
                result = fn(*src, result);
        return result;

    template <typename Fn, typename U, typename Tout = std::invoke_result_t<Fn, T, U>>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<Tout, dims> binary(const tensor<U, dims>& rhs, Fn&& fn) const
        tensor<Tout, dims> result(m_shape);
        if (is_contiguous() && rhs.is_contiguous())
            auto src1 = contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            auto src2 = rhs.contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            auto dst  = result.contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            while (src1 != contiguous_end_unsafe())
                *dst = fn(*src1, *src2);
            auto src1 = begin();
            auto src2 = rhs.begin();
            auto dst  = result.contiguous_begin();
            while (src1 != end())
                *dst = fn(*src1, *src2);
        return result;

    template <typename Fn, typename U>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC const tensor& binary_inplace(const tensor<U, dims>& rhs, Fn&& fn) const
        if (is_contiguous() && rhs.is_contiguous())
            auto it   = contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            auto src2 = rhs.contiguous_begin_unsafe();
            while (it != contiguous_end_unsafe())
                *it = fn(*it, *src2);
            auto it   = begin();
            auto src2 = rhs.begin();
            while (it != end())
                *it = fn(*it, *src2);
        return *this;

    template <typename U>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor<U, dims> astype() const
        return unary([](T value) { return static_cast<U>(value); });

    template <size_t Nout>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC std::array<T, Nout> to_array() const
        if (m_size != Nout)
            KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("Nout != m_size");
        std::array<T, Nout> result;
        if (is_contiguous())
            std::copy(contiguous_begin(), contiguous_end(), result.begin());
            std::copy(begin(), end(), result.begin());
        return result;
    struct nested_iterator_t
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
        using value_type        = tensor<T, dims - 1>;
        using pointer           = const value_type*;
        using reference         = const value_type&;

        const tensor* src;
        size_t index;

        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC value_type operator*() { return src->operator()(index); }
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC pointer operator->() { return &operator*(); }

        // prefix
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC nested_iterator_t& operator++()
            return *this;

        // postfix
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC nested_iterator_t operator++(int)
            nested_iterator_t temp = *this;
            return temp;

        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool operator==(const nested_iterator_t& it) const
            return src == it.src && index == it.index;
        KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool operator!=(const nested_iterator_t& it) const { return !operator==(it); }

    using nested_iterator = std::conditional_t<dims == 1, tensor_iterator, nested_iterator_t>;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC nested_iterator nested_begin() const
        if constexpr (dims == 1)
            return begin();
            return { this, 0 };
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC nested_iterator nested_end() const
        if constexpr (dims == 1)
            return end();
            return { this, m_shape[0] };

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC memory_finalizer finalizer() const { return m_finalizer; }

    template <typename Input, KFR_ACCEPT_EXPRESSIONS(Input)>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC const tensor& operator=(Input&& input) const&
        process(*this, input);
        return *this;
    template <typename Input, KFR_ACCEPT_EXPRESSIONS(Input)>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor& operator=(Input&& input) &&
        process(*this, input);
        return *this;
    template <typename Input, KFR_ACCEPT_EXPRESSIONS(Input)>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor& operator=(Input&& input) &
        process(*this, input);
        return *this;

    bool operator==(const tensor& other) const
        return shape() == other.shape() && std::equal(begin(), end(), other.begin());
    bool operator!=(const tensor& other) const { return !operator==(other); }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC const shape_type& shape() const { return m_shape; }
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC const shape_type& strides() const { return m_strides; }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool is_contiguous() const { return m_is_contiguous; }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool is_last_contiguous() const { return m_strides.back() == 1; }

    template <typename Fmt = void>
    std::string to_string(int max_columns = 16, int max_dimensions = INT_MAX, std::string separator = ", ",
                          std::string open = "{", std::string close = "}") const
        if constexpr (dims == 0)
            if (empty())
                return {};
                return as_string(wrap_fmt(access(shape_type{}), cometa::ctype<Fmt>));
            return cometa::array_to_string<Fmt>(
                m_shape.template to_std_array<size_t>(),
                [this](std::array<size_t, dims> index) CMT_INLINE_LAMBDA
                { return access(shape_type::from_std_array(index)); },
                max_columns, max_dimensions, std::move(separator), std::move(open), std::move(close));

    template <typename Input>
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC void assign_expr(Input&& input) const
        process(*this, std::forward<Input>(input));

    T* m_data;
    const index_t m_size;
    const bool m_is_contiguous;
    const shape_type m_shape;
    const shape_type m_strides;
    memory_finalizer m_finalizer;


tensor_iterator class


Tensor iterator. Iterates through flattened array

Source code
struct tensor_iterator
    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
    using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
    using value_type        = T;
    using pointer           = T*;
    using reference         = T&;

    const tensor* src;
    shape_type indices;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC intptr_t flat_index() const { return src->calc_index(indices); }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool is_end() const { return indices.front() == internal_generic::null_index; }

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC T& operator*() { return src->m_data[flat_index()]; }
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC T* operator->() { return &operator*(); }

    // prefix
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor_iterator& operator++()
        if (!internal_generic::increment_indices(indices, shape_type(0), src->m_shape))
            indices = shape_type(internal_generic::null_index);
        return *this;

    // postfix
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor_iterator operator++(int)
        tensor_iterator temp = *this;
        return temp;

    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool operator==(const tensor_iterator& it) const
        return src == it.src && indices == it.indices;
    KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC bool operator!=(const tensor_iterator& it) const { return !operator==(it); }

tensor<T, NDims> function

constexpr tensor()
    : m_data(0), m_size(0), m_is_contiguous(false), m_shape

Default constructor. Creates tensor with null shape

Source code
KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC constexpr tensor()
    : m_data(0), m_size(0), m_is_contiguous(false), m_shape{}, m_strides{}

tensor(T *data, const shape_type &shape,
       const shape_type &strides,
       memory_finalizer finalizer)
    : m_data(data), m_size(size_of_shape(shape)),
          strides ==
      m_shape(shape), m_strides(strides),

Construct from external pointer, shape, strides and finalizer

Source code
KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor(T* data, const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides,
                         memory_finalizer finalizer)
    : m_data(data), m_size(size_of_shape(shape)),
      m_is_contiguous(strides == internal_generic::strides_for_shape(shape)), m_shape(shape),
      m_strides(strides), m_finalizer(std::move(finalizer))

tensor(T *data, const shape_type &shape,
       memory_finalizer finalizer)
    : m_data(data), m_size(size_of_shape(shape)),
      m_is_contiguous(true), m_shape(shape),

Construct from external pointer, shape and finalizer with default strides

Source code
KFR_MEM_INTRINSIC tensor(T* data, const shape_type& shape, memory_finalizer finalizer)
    : m_data(data), m_size(size_of_shape(shape)), m_is_contiguous(true), m_shape(shape),
      m_strides(internal_generic::strides_for_shape(shape)), m_finalizer(std::move(finalizer))

explicit tensor(const shape_type &shape)
    : m_size(size_of_shape(shape)), m_is_contiguous(true),

Construct from shape and allocate memory

Source code
KFR_INTRINSIC explicit tensor(const shape_type& shape)
    : m_size(size_of_shape(shape)), m_is_contiguous(true), m_shape(shape),
    T* ptr      = allocate(m_size);
    m_data      = ptr;
    m_finalizer = make_memory_finalizer([ptr]() { deallocate(ptr); });

tensor(const shape_type &shape, const shape_type &strides)
    : m_size(size_of_shape(shape)),
          strides ==
      m_shape(shape), m_strides(strides)

Construct from shape, strides and allocate memory

Source code
KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides)
    : m_size(size_of_shape(shape)),
      m_is_contiguous(strides == internal_generic::strides_for_shape(shape)), m_shape(shape),
    T* ptr      = allocate(m_size);
    m_data      = ptr;
    m_finalizer = make_memory_finalizer([ptr]() { deallocate(ptr); });

tensor(const shape_type &shape, T value) : tensor(shape)

Construct from shape, allocate memory and fill with value

Source code
KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, T value) : tensor(shape)
    std::fill(contiguous_begin_unsafe(), contiguous_end_unsafe(), value);

tensor(const shape_type &shape, const shape_type &strides,
       T value)
    : tensor(shape, strides)

Construct from shape, strides, allocate memory and fill with value

Source code
KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, const shape_type& strides, T value) : tensor(shape, strides)
    std::fill(begin(), end(), value);

tensor(const shape_type &shape,
       const std::initializer_list<T> &values)
    : tensor(shape)

Construct from shape, allocate memory and fill with flat list

Source code
KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const shape_type& shape, const std::initializer_list<T>& values) : tensor(shape)
    if (values.size() != m_size)
        KFR_REPORT_LOGIC_ERROR("Invalid initializer provided for kfr::tensor");
    std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), contiguous_begin_unsafe());

template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<
                                        U, T> &&dims == 1)>
tensor(const std::initializer_list<U> &values)
    : tensor(shape_type(values.size()))

Initialize with braced list. Defined for 1D tensor only

Source code
template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 1)>
KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const std::initializer_list<U>& values) : tensor(shape_type(values.size()))
    internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<
                                        U, T> &&dims == 2)>
tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>
    : tensor(
          shape_type(values.size(), values.begin()->size()))

Initialize with braced list. Defined for 2D tensor only

Source code
template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 2)>
KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>& values)
    : tensor(shape_type(values.size(), values.begin()->size()))
    internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<
                                        U, T> &&dims == 3)>
tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<
           std::initializer_list<U>>> &values)
    : tensor(shape_type(values.size(),

Initialize with braced list. Defined for 3D tensor only

Source code
template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 3)>
KFR_INTRINSIC tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>>& values)
    : tensor(shape_type(values.size(), values.begin()->size(), values.begin()->begin()->size()))
    internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<
                                        U, T> &&dims == 4)>
tensor(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<
    : tensor(shape_type(
          values.size(), values.begin()->size(),

Initialize with braced list. Defined for 4D tensor only

Source code
template <typename U, KFR_ENABLE_IF(std::is_convertible_v<U, T>&& dims == 4)>
    const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<U>>>>&
    : tensor(shape_type(values.size(), values.begin()->size(), values.begin()->begin()->size(),
    internal_generic::list_copy_recursively(values, contiguous_begin_unsafe());

Auto-generated from sources, Revision ,