More about FFT/DFT¶
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) can be used to perform:
- Convolution (including convolution reverberation)
- Cross-correlation and auto-correlation
- Applying large FIR filters
- Sample rate conversion
- Spectrum visualization
- Large integer multiplication
- Wavelet transform
- and many other algorithms
Often FFT is the most efficient way to perform each of these algorithms.
About KFR DFT implementation¶
KFR implementation of the FFT:
- is fully optimized for X86, X86-64, ARM and AARCH64 processors
- uses vector intrinsics (if available for cpu)
- supports both single- and double precision
- can cache internal data between calls to speed up plan creation
- can do forward and inverse FFT without a need to create two plans
- can be used for complex-to-complex, real-to-complex and complex-to-real 1D transforms
- doesn’t require measure FFT performance at runtime and to find an optimal configuration
- has special implementations for FFT sizes up to 256
- has no external dependencies
- is thread-safe, no global data
- is written in modern C++14
- is open source (GPL v2+ license)